Dangerous goods regulations updated

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The latest version of the Regulation concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Rail came into force on January 1. RID 2019 replaces the 2017 edition, which may continue to be used during a transitional period running to June 30.

RID applies to the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail between 44 countries in Europe, Asia and North Africa, and also within EU member states. It is harmonised with United Nations Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, and there is close co-ordination with ADR regulations covering road transport and ADN for inland waterways.

Changes in RID 2019 include the classification, packing and labelling of items containing dangerous substances, a revision of the classification codes for corrosive substances, new packing instructions for damaged or defective lithium batteries and destructive testing of gas cylinders.
